Soggy Waffle

What is Soggy Waffle?


a group of males sit in a circle and jerk off onto the same waffle which is placed at the center of the circle, the last one to release his seminal fluids on the waffle must consume it, thus eating a waffle which is soggy because of everyones semen

last night i played soggy waffle, not once, not twice, but thrice

See mike


This occurs as a result of when bored college students with crude humor (and no beer), and a fresh box of ego's come into play at a social gathering of the masses, a.k.a. a shindig or guy's night, where the participants thus sit around in a circle, or half circle for the more experienced games due to longer projection, and bop the one-eyed weasel whilst cocks are pointed at the specimen, usually a waffle, or a pancake if you like to mess up a good game do to lack of following the instructions, and thus calling the game Soggy Pancake, which is not as funny and we're still wasting time. The gallient players beat their meat until the ejaculant from every player but one has landed upon the waffle making it soggy. The last guy who couldn't "keep it up" must ritually end the game by consuming the waffle at once. And behold, another game commence!

And lo, sir Edward didst COME last in the recreational activities of the prestigious Soggy Waffle, and he did maketh a face of detest whilst consuming the warm goo upon the waffle's exterior, and there was much rejoicing.

See ejaculant, weasel, come, goo, waffle, ego


An item of refuse. Used mainly in terms of romance and relationships. A person who has been buttered up and then left standing alone without further indulgence. An unwanted item. A forgotten individual, no matter how delictable or delicious they may be.

He pushed me aside like a soggy waffle.

See food, waffles, relationships


When you have an intense hatred for any female with a purse, and your only option is to pour any type of liquid into it.

That girl is such a bitch, someone needs to soggy waffle her.

See soggy, waffle, purse, bitch, liquid


Sub par vagina. Ugly Females

That girl you we're talking to was a Soggy waffle

See soggy, waffle, women, female, vagina


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