
What is Soham?


A lady's boy who gets off on beatin women senseless. Sometimes a soham finishes the move off with a sticky facial. A soham isn't someone to be messed with as women are likely to tell you and is sometimes known for a quick blind stab or two.

Guy 1: "fuck me man! did you hear about that soham fucking his bitch in?"

Guy 2: "nah what he do? quickie?"

Guy 1: "nah, he smacked her and gave her a black eye, not her fault she's a dirty communist"

Guy 2: "I heard he had some dope on him and the cops caught him too"

Guy 1: "yeah, the cops are on red alert, apparently he tried to give the commie some but she had a bad trip last time and so carries a knife for protection and that's why he went and did a soham on her"

Guy 2: "fuck that shit! what next?"

Guy 1: "she shagged some other douche bag with a peanut head, dunno what she was thinking, dumb fuck. she's shit at giving head anyway, she almost bit my dick off last time"

See soham, stabbing, awesome, quickie, whore, guy, name, douche bag, drugs, communist, commie, acid trip, fuck, smacked


the one with two noses and french fry fingers

soham patel

See fries, chipmunk, potato, wedges, nose


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