
What is Soldat?


Super 1337 Game for PC made by michal marcinkowski. 2d Multiplayer shooter. Great Weapons, Multi online and LAN play....this game is teh saix!

I was playing Soldat and i owned

See BObo D. HObo


A badass 2D Shooter for the PC.

Soldat rocks out loud


A kickass free multiplar online game. Play it NOW.


Soldier(3) got pwned by BManx2000 in Soldat.


A kickass free multiplayer online game. Play it NOW.


You were killed by BManx2000


A 2D multiplayer shooter based on the real-life laws of physics. Despite the third-world graphics, the gameplay is incredible. Definitely worth checking out.

(Tip for new players: stay away from the m79. You will be labeled a "noob" if you can't use it worth a crap. And stay away from the minigun. Nobody can use it worth a crap.)


Typical Soldat conversation:

IAmGangsta!!!111oneone:I pwn

Major:**** u1

IAmGangsta!!!111oneone:triple kill!

Major:how u thro nife?

Major:tell me how thro nife!


Major has left the game.

See 2d, multiplayer, shooter, online, game


The Latin term for "Soldier".

"Eternal Soldier translates to'Eternum Soldat'"


Is a french word meaning "Soldier"

The soldat shot me in the chest


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