
What is Soldier?


a soldier is someone who fights for their country and in what they believe. even if it means death.

poor people that live in the (ghetto) and like to shoot people should not be called a soldier. to be a soldier means much more than street slang.


A soldier is a person that fights through rough times. When things get hard or discouraging, they press on and don't give up. Most of us are soldiers at some time in our lives.

Eminem song "Soldier"--

I'm a soldier.

These shouldas hold up so much.

They neva fall or fold up.

Even if my collar bones crush or crumble, I will never slip or stumble.


A soldier is a man or woman who selflessly devotes thier life to ensure that all citizens of their country can sleep with peace of mind and live out day to day without fear. A soldier gives you your freedom, and asks nothing in return. A soldier is the highest type of citizen. A soldier is what most of you are scared to be.

United States Army personell ; soldier

See p.t., cqb, dfact, latrine, barracks, war


A member of the ARMY.

Marines, sailors, and airmen, are NOT soldiers.

See troops, forces, army, beret, ranger, Paul


A "Hooah", or a warrior. A person of unarguable importance to his team, family, and/or country. Proud member of a "Band of Brothers". If wearing an American flag patch on his right arm- a "Soldier" will be the last thing you see if you cross the United States.

also see: hooah; squared away

Just look for the guy wearing the Black/ Maroon/ Tan/ Green Beret.


Any person of a nation's military. This term is nowadays used to refer to one of ANY branch of the military, even the Air Force and Navy.

"US soldiers are the shit. Do not talk shit about them, you cold-hearted fuck."


See Dave


One who guarantees the constitutional rights for all citizens of the United States. Death is no obstacle to protect the American way of life.

It is the soldier, not the reporter, who guarantees Freedom of the Press.


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