
What is Solid?


Can be used to describe a favor done for someone.

Do me a solid and hand me that hammer.

See DB


something you might say in confirmation, or congratulations to someone who either did something tight, or when you are on the same wavelength.

joe: i tapped that ass

me: solid

me: poon hunt

joe: solid

me: wheres the beer

joe: i got 10 foteys

me: solid


Used to describe something or someone as being superior, or excellent.

So superior that it is incapable of being changed from its level of 'greatness', hence "solid"

Like a solid foundation, what is being described as "solid" is so excellent that it cannot be made less awesome.

"Son, those new two-tone kicks are indeed 'solid'!"

"Hey Joe, that new guitar riff sure is 'solid'"

"Check out Captain Cookout's new album! Its 'SOLID'!"


cool, awesome

That movie was solid.


Mostly used to denote something really fucking awesome.

That bitch is solid.

I just punched Butters in the face, solid.

See awesome, rad, cool, amazing, good stuff


A word meening cool or awesome.

"Thats pretty damn solid."

See solid, cool, titanium, awesome


to say some is strong or hard

oi mate tha kid is solid

See hard, strong, buff, cool


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