
What is Solomon?


the name means "peaceful" or "complete" in Hebrew

Solomon is a very wise man.

See peaceful, shlomo, hebrew, jewish


Solomon is a man in his youth, who likes to think he knows a lot. He generally always has a girlfriend, but always says he hates girls and moans how confusing they are. He loves to spend his time sorting out his friends life and minor problems. He doent enjoy the company of ‘Chavs’ and is always thinking of ways to hurt, torture or kill them. When he is bored.. this is what he plans and gets up to. In general Solomon is a very loving person and is faithful to his bitches. SOLOMON HEARTS ALICE DAVID FOREVER?

Tom: "Hey, it's Solomon"

Solomon: *Gets gun out* "lets kill people"

See solomon, kill, death, pain, torture, alice, spammy


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