
What is Soltani?


the act of giving a girl a facial and then pouring sprinkles on top afterwards. aka persian perversion

She wanted desert after dinner so i gave her a soltani.

See soltani, moneyshot, facial, sprinkles, cumshot


A four-man orgy; to be gay to the max.

Lets all go Soltani on friday guys! we can get butter too! and then afterwards, choke the chickens with bread crums.

See gay, orgy, anal, homosexual, men, buttsex


"to do the soltani" = to be in second place

He did the soltani. He lost!


former champion; man who doesn´t understand that his time is over; born looser

Guy who was playing table soccer quite good when he was younger and still tries but is always loosing

See Champ


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