
What is Somali?


A person from Somalia who his or her ethnic group is Somali.

Somalis are a mix of africans , ancient egyptians and arabs.

Their language is Somali a cushitic language.

It is related to languages such as Hebrew , Arabic , Amhara , Berber.

A somali men , A somali girl , A somali leader.He speaks somali

See Abdul


Africans who make good food.

"Yo Halima, cook up some Anjera for me abaiyo"


A race of a tall, slender Africanpeople with Caucasianfeatures who hail from Somalia in Eastern Africa.

The supermodel Iman(married to David Bowie) is a native Somali.

See somalia, africa, iman, war, ethnic


Very cool and handsome looking people. Their country is great and their food tastes sensational. They are home of the beauty and mysteries of Ancient times.

Somali are home of the great. See also, Somalian

See cool, smart, nice, gracious


afro-asiatic person with curly hair, very wise and intelegent,the fastest growin minority in USA,97% of somalis in the USA are educated with atleast Bacholor degree, this people are gracious and helpfull.

most of them are heavily in 2 Dakotas,Minesotta,Seatle,Ohio and San Diego.

that skinny who works in gas stations and McDonalds is somalians.


Handsome lookin people, always happy and Meditereanen smile,some of them are backstabbers some of them nice and wise,their food is delicious.

Pharoahs were belevied from Somalia, they are only remaining ancient tribe of Pharoahe. the pharoahs called "Land of Punts", meaning "Land of god".

See somali, somalia, somalian


Beautiful people, who happen to be a race...don't call them black. You will get attacked!

"I am Somali, not black... because I am good looking duh"

See somali, somalian, somalia, race, puntland


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