What is Somebody Get This Freaking Duck Away From Me?


An exclaimation from HomestarRunner. It can be found on the website's 13th menu (Atari-themed)by moving your mouse over the "email" button (Strong Bad screams it), and also by watching the first deleted scene of the Yellow Dello movie ( Homestar Runnersays it).

Most commonly used as a random quote, and occasionally used to tell an annoying person to get lost.

"Somebody get this freaking duck away from me! This guy won't leave me alone!"


The polite exclamation that should be shouted if one is a midget wrestler running away from the dragon/duck from the atari adventure game "ADVENTURE"

"Sombowee geh tis fweekin duck away fwom me"- the deleted scene from the thriller "SEARCH FOR THE YELLOW DELLO" It was deleted- sorry, baleated- because of Homestar's bad language. That's what you get for trying to copy Stong Bah. Imean, Strong Bad.


Homestar Runner's exclamation in a deleted scene from Yellow Dello.

Ex: "Somebody get this freaking duck away from me!" shrieked Homestar Runner.


a deleted scene in yellow dello


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