
What is Sony?


A company that's 10 times bigger than Microsoft but gets a free pass from the fanboyAmerican public because they have Squaresoft games and don't railroad American companies. Overcharges for their electronics because of the name regardless of more reliable brands being out there for cheaper.

I listened to my Sony-licensed CD with my Sony-made Discman with Sony-made headphones while playing my Sony Playstation 2 with NFL Gameday 2004 made by Sony-owned 989. Then I played Sony-owned Everquest on my Sony-made Vaio laptop online while listening to Sony-licenced Joan of Arcadia on my Sony television.

Bill Gates could only dream of having that much power.


Also one of the 5 major music corporations which control 90+ percent of Americanmusic. Ironic, since Sony is a Japanesecompany.

The RIAA loves Sony's cock.

See rock fan


The ultimate downfall of the American economy.

Hey! lets go purchase a new Sony product while we piss on our own country! Screw America!

See playstation 2, microsoft, death, awesome, sony


A japanese company actually deriving from the word "sonny" because it's creator wanted it to seem like a hip young company.

You thought it meant something, didn't you?


A company who creates a variety of products which tend to easily break.

Billy: Dude, sony's making playstation 3!111!

Bob: I know dude, I already saved up 10,000 bucks to buy 3 of them for back up . . .


Retarded DRM-monkeys and puppets of the RIAAwho are willing to install spyware-like software unbeknownst to their users regardless of the fact that they are only hurting the people who actually bought their product

After putting a Sony XCP-"protected" CD in your drive hold down shift to disable autorun or else Sony will f*** up your computer with their DRM crap

or just open Regedit and change "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEM

CurrentControlSet ServicesCdromAutorun" to 0

See drm, mp3, mp3 player, riaa


The Microsoft of electronics. Like Microsoft a buch of idiots and morons bash their products simply cause Sony made them...

The following is an actual conversation I once had:

Me: Hey check out my PSP.

Idiot: Dude that thing is crap!

Me: What exactly makes it crap?

Idiot: Sony made it.

Me: So t could be the best handheld ever and it would still be crap to you just cause Sony made it?

Idiot: Yup.

Me: *Gives idiot a Dead Arm, walks away*

See microsoft, psp, playstation, playstation 2, playstation 3, A Gorilla


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