
What is Sophisto?


Sophisto is a concept that transcends mere coolness. Sophisto could be likened to an aura that embraces the universe and on occasion subjectively targets worthy individuals, imbibing them with a unique chic effervescent quality only to be rivaled by a cocktail of champagne and diamonds. Furthermore Sophisto is not limited to people, it transcends its anthropomorphic form to honor select events of 'excellence and vision'. Most of all Sophisto is Rasha.

Sushi with Sheesha (nargile, hubbly bubbly, hookah) how Sophisto!

Being friends with Rasha tres Sophsito!

Having a tea boy named Smalloufa

See sophisto, diamonds, rasha, tea, sheesha, sushi, excellence, vision, hippocrates


A recent rising subculture, characterized by shunning the typical routes of deviation by attempting to rise above and beyond. Generally suits, and dress attire is worn. Pretentiousness does seem to rise amongst them, but this is not welcome. The recent rise in "sophisto" brims from the term used in "A Clockwork Orange" to define some of the upper class. However mostly all that is required is well groomed attire and look, and an appreciation for things associated with such. Martinis and classical music are respected, as well as opera, however modern venues are also welcome.

I'm pondering holding a dinner party after classes for myself and my fellow sophistos, if you know anyone who might be interested, please gring them along.


Derogatory term for an individual who acquires knowledge for the purpose of impressing others rather than informing him/herself. Prides him/herself on his/her expanding repretoire of cumbersome words and pop culture references. Started drinking coffee for the atmosphere of coffee shops. Real pretentious.

"Do you hear what these sophistos are talking about at the next table? How religion is the opiate of the masses or some shit."

"...Are you serious?! I love this town."


A sophisticate.

Oh man, let's go to the Inwood Theatre and be sophistos. Afterward, we can fetch ourselves a latte and discuss Vonnegut's weakest effort, Gallapagos.


An elitist, or in most cases, a wannabe-elitist.

Maddox is such a sophisto jackass... he bitches about grammar and he thinks he's better than everyone else, while conveniently disguising it all as a "joke".

See pretentious, elitism, jackass


one who is skilled in the intricacies of deceptive word play, often causing others to be envious making them post spiteful definitions to help deal with there feelings of literary inadequacy..

John left Mary and Harold utterly discombobulated with a quite ostentatious display of his extensive vernacular and his expeditiously witty responses, leaving them oblivious to anything he had meant to convey, he's such a sophisto..

See deaner


someone who thinks their too sophisticated for others and pretend to act high class when in reality they sound like complete morons trying to look cool and smart.

Ohh man, john is such a sophisto all he does is pretend to be much more intelligent than he really is by using big words.


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