What is Sophos Bootable Anti-virus?


Sophos Bootable Anti-Virus is an emergency solution that may cause data loss in specific situations. Do not use this tool until all other options have been exhausted.

Once the virus outbreak has been contained and eliminated from your network, please delete the downloaded program and destroy the CD. If you need to use SBAV again in the future, Sophos Technical Support will be happy to provide you with a link to a newer version of the tool.

Sophos Bootable Anti-Virus cannot scan encrypted disks.

Sophos Bootable Anti-Virus may not work with all processor types. If you encounter problems booting the affected PC, try the CD on a different PC. If it boots up, then the chipset is not supported: unfortunately, we cannot add additional chipset support to the tool.

Sophos Bootable Anti-Virus (SBAV)

See sophos, cleanup


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