
What is Soulfly?


some crazy music if you dont like it we dont like you so fuck off


a band with max cavalera in that rules!!!

Best Band around today!!!!!!!!

if anyone says any different they lie!

soulfly are amazin lazin double glazin


soulfly!!!!! they are one of the best metal bands going, sepultura are awesome but they don't have the same spirit without max cavalera. however i still think sepultura are mosh kings!soulfly are brilliant, max has something briliant and unique going!! i personely prefer soulfly alot more!!

soulfy rock ass!

bumba! bumba!

eye for an eye, for an eye, for ane eye!

seek and strike! strike!

soulfly tribe!


roots! bloody roots!

See wat, his, box, for


A band that kind of is a mix between sepultura's roots sounds and chaos a.d. sounds. Sounds a bit like Korn in some songs, but in other songs, it's pure thrash!

Soulfly is basically what Sepultura would sound like today if Max Calvera hadn't left Sepultura.

See sepultura, soulfly, thrash, metal, korn


A metal band that are very hit and miss, one minute they'd be bringing down your neighbourhood with pure thrash then the next minute they'd be giving you a seizure with some half arsed hippy crap.

Sepultura = bad, Soufly = good.



A slut,whore,and or a crazy girl.

A band called Soulfly collaberates with a lot of bands so theyre like a whore thats where it comes from.

You damn soulfly,you were fucking all those guys while we were going out!!!

See slut, whore, hooker, woman, girl


Half assed pale imitation of what Sepultura now wishes they were. Max, please rejoin Sepultura and give the jungle beats a rest.

Soulfly sucks! Sepultura sucks with Greene!

See antipop


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