
What is Souljaboy?


Some crazy gorilla who dances like an ape and looks like a fucking half-wit while doing so. The song sucks, the video sucks harder, and every time I watch this I want to take a chainsaw to this fucking ape's jugular.

Give him credit for bending that bitch over and supermaning that hoe (the act of wrenching a chick doggystyle, and letting that hot sauce go on her back/ass, and causing the sheets to get stuck on her back, thus resembling a superhero's cape), but the dance just fucking ruined it.

The "souljaboy" also has a very bad speech impediment. This is seen in the line where he says "WAH me crack and WAH me roll." Well...many may ask...WHAT THE FUCK DOES IT MEAN TO WAH SOMETHING? The answer is unknown to a group of experts from Stanford and Niagara universities. However, these same scholars did attempt to superman that hoe, but proceeded to get the sheet stuck on the ceiling fan, so the credibility of this hypothesis may not be accurate.

Souljaboy may have supermanned that hoe, but I'll fucking batman all over his face.

See souljah, boy, superman, hoe, soldierboy


-Anthing that makes you cringe and think what has the world come to.

-Bad music

-Anthing wack

-A sign of the apocalypse

"Turn off that soulja boy!, put on some real music!"

"Thats too soulja boy"

"Get that souljaboy sh!t out of here"

See wack, crappy, shitty, garbage, trash


The biggest assmonkey this world has seen. Enjoys cranking and cocking on "beech aez". Also has severe grammar and pronunciation deficenciesuse unknown.

Listed here are some of souljaboy kin: 50 Cent, George Bush, A-Rab

See superman, soulja, cranking, crank dat, crusty


Offencive name that you call faggots try-hards and wannabes

Wigga: Yo whats good in tha hood

MJ: Fuck you souljaboy

See souljaboy, sodmg, crank, dat, superman


the king of all superheroes. soulja boy can superman, spiderman, and batman dem hoez.

"Man, souljaboy Tell 'Em is the shiznitz."

"Yeah, He Superman dem hoez."

See soulja, superman dat hoe, souljaboy, superhero


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