
What is Soulmate?


The one person who can always make you smile, who shares your hopes and dreams, who makes you whole. Folklore claims that when a soul decends to earth it splits in two, each half of the soul inhabiting a seperate body. These two people are forever after 'soulmates,' and will never be complete until they find one another.

Susan and Jon had such a strong love that they believed they were soulmates.


A person with whom you have an immediate connection the moment you meet -- a connection so strong that you are drawn to them in a way you have never experienced before. As this connection develops over time, you experience a love so deep, strong and complex, that you begin to doubt that you have ever truly loved anyone prior. Your soulmate understands and connects with you in every way and on every level, which brings a sense of peace, calmness and happiness when you are around them. And when you are not around them, you are all that much more aware of the harshness of life, and how bonding with another person in this way is the most significant and satisfying thing you will experience in your lifetime. You are also all that much aware of the beauty in life, because you have been given a great gift and will always be thankful.

Finding my soulmate is the best thing that has ever happened to me; I have never felt this kind of love and understanding. We connect in so many ways, it astounds me.

See true love, soul mate, love, connection, relationship, bond, caring


A soulmate is some one you have a very deep connection. It is not always easy explained. It is a meeting of mind, heart, body and soul on the highest of levels. Communication is at its easiest, as they understand you perfectly, and accept you completely with no judgments.

A soulmate is when you love an imperfect person perfectly.


Noun; Verb; The first time you glimpse at each other you are immediately drawn to each other, extremely different than ever recognizing anyone you have ever met before. You already knowthem, feelwho they are. Then you speak and realize this is the most amazing person you have ever met and you feel unnaturally comfortable with them. Instead of wanting to know the "basics" about them it is like meeting an old friend you haven't seen in ages and it is time to catch up. This is the person you have been searching for. In that moment the longing stops but you don't realize until you are forced to be apart. This person completes you on a spiritual level and anything could happen, good or bad, one look in their eyes brings a smile to your face and peace to your heart. Suddenly everything you have worked for in your life becomes clear and the path you were unsure of following is now being lit for the both of you to follow. All your fears vanish and you no longer question your purpose in life because together the purpose evolves on its own. You find their insecurities as parts of their soul you need to heal. Mutual understanding and respect. Days filled with laughter. Even if you are sitting next to each other, touching each other, it still feels like they are miles away because that person could never be close enough yet at the same time it feels like you are melting together and your spirits are dancing.

Our eyes met for the first time and I was filled with an enormous amount of energy. I was unbelievably happy yet confused. Without looking away we both smiled and then began to laugh as if we finally understood the joke. We both started walking through the crowded room as if in a dream and then we met. "Hello my name is Kirsten" /smile "Hello my name is Juan"... the rest was a blur. This is what happens when you meet your soulmate.

See soulmate, soul mate, lover, friend, other half


Simply put; your one and only, the one you're destined to be with, the love of your life, the one you can't live without, your other half, etc.

It's the love that survives anything and everything, that struggles and pulls through, that even when it seemed hopeless and out of control it still beat strongly. It's the love that is not superficial, a love that transcends not only the physical world but time itself. It's not perfect, but it's wonderful and still exhilarating after all those years. There are people who get married, then get divorced, but come back to one another *ten years later*. A love that isn't entirely human. It's the love that, if lost by a foil against destiny, will leave the people empty, pinning and never forgetting and never fulfilled. It's the love that makes you cringe at the thought that, had your life gone differently even for a millisecond, you may have not met this person - but in your heart you know you would have, some way, somehow, because soulmates always find one another.

I feel like we've met a million times before in our past lives, that every tiny step of our lives led us directly to one another. He's my soulmate.


Someone that you meet you feel an imediate connection to. Someone that makes you beleive in god due to the feelings that spring out of your heart and soul willing or unwilling you feel as though you need that person! I do not beleive that this person has to be your one and only, the one you marry but you always feel this person with you no matter where you are! It is greater than an earthly love! It is one soul two bodies! Treasure if you are even lucky enough to meet this person, your other half! Enjoy the things shared do not get stuck on trying to define what you are just except that there are greater things that we have no words to explain they are just Godsent!

Jeremy and Nicole are soulmates, though they have never had or may never have a true chance of being in a long lasting commited relationship! They will always love, admire,& carry eachother in there souls!

See love, friends, god, heaven, peace


The other half of your brain. The one who will always be there spiritually because apparently both people know what's on each others mind without even saying much out loud and without judgement (unlike other people in the world). NO one comes close to this connection, apparently it is said you only meet this person once in a lifetime. I wouldn't say it would be love just a really deep connection that is hard to find. If in another lifetime these two people would meet again then they would probably end up gettin married. Life would be nothing if one half of the brain/conscious was without this person.

Johnny is my soulmate, no matter how may people do not understand 'us'.

See soul mate, love, lover, life


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