
What is Sound?


i) An individual who might be considered "cool", or generally very likeable.

ii) As to say, "All is well"; "Very good" etc

i) "How ye' doin'?"

"Sound man, sound"

"You see big Davie? He's sound."

See grump


1. A noise.

2. A synonym for " cool," " awesome," originating in Liverpool, if I recall correctly. Either way, it's mostly used by Scousers.

Note: Please stop complaining about how we're getting the definition wrong, you yanks. Try looking it up on Wikipedia or on Google, you blithering twats.

- "Did you hear that sound, dear?"

- "The footywas well sound, weren't it, our Baz?"

- "You self proclaimed 'grammatically correct' yanks are not sound."

See cool, awesome, noise, nice, great


Something that is good.

Yeah, that Simon, he's sound, mate.


Often used by Scottish Glasgow Neds, usually followed by "mate" to let you know that something is ok

Ned: "Got a fag mate?"

Passer-by: "Nah, sorry im all out"

Ned: "Sound mate"


used in agreement with someone or about something, a reply to someone as a form of yes, yeah and so on.

dude thats sound as!

thats totally sound

ah sound count me in!

Sweet dude thats sound!

Ah sound!

See sound, dude, sweet, yes, yeah


someone that you like or think has a good personality, or has qualities that you like.

"He's such a fag, my god !"

"What the fuck are ya sayin' ? He's pure sound !!"

See cool person, sound


1)anything/anyone who is cool,good, okey doke, particularly in the sense of being trustworthy/reliable etc etc.

british slang.

when someone/something's really, really 'sound' you say they're 'sound as a pound.' ie they're so sound, they're as trustworthy as the wonderful british currency!!! that's one hell of a compliment.

2) moaning, losing your temper over something. ( as in 'sounding off')

1) some people don't like that girl, but i think she's pretty sound actually.

- that's my best mate over there. he's sound as a pound he is.

2) she's sounding off about some crap no one cares about again!!

See cool, friendly, trustworthy, spig


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