Sound Bite

What is Sound Bite?


(n) A short, catchy statement meeting the short attention requirements of TV news. Sound bites have the annoying habit of being play again and again ad nauseum. In fact, newscasts are increasingly built around sound bites instead of hard news and analysis. And public relations firms earn huge bucks cooking up sound bites for political spin and damage control.

One memorable sound bite (1984 Debate) from Vice Presidential candidate Lloyd Bensten countering Dan Quayle's comparision of himself to President John Kennedy.

Bensten: "I knew Jack Kennedy. He was a friend of mine. You are no Jack Kennedy."

See tv, politics, fluff


A cool, or sound - yet very small person or a child. The term 'bite' refers to their small stature. It can refer to both a small adult or child.

Dude, that guy is a sound bite...

(one person speaking to another after meeting a 'cool' person of small stature)

See small, cool, sound, person, swnd, ace, tiny, bight, mini, top, gurt


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