Soup Nazi

What is Soup Nazi?


A character on Seinfeld

JERRY: No. We gotta go to the soup place.

ELAINE: What soup place?

GEORGE: Oh, there's a soup stand, Kramer's been going there.

JERRY: He's always raving. I finally got a chance to go there the other

day, and I tell you this, you will be stunned.

ELAINE: Stunned by soup?

JERRY: You can't eat this soup standing up, your knees buckle.

ELAINE: Huh. All right. Come on.

JERRY: There's only one caveat -- the guy who runs the place is a little

temperamental, especially about the ordering procedure. He's secretly

referred to as the Soup Nazi.

ELAINE: Why? What happens if you don't order right?

JERRY: He yells and you don't get your soup.


JERRY: Just follow the ordering procedure and you will be fine.

GEORGE: All right. All right. Let's - let's go over that again.

JERRY: All right. As you walk in the place move immediately to your right.


JERRY: The main thing is to keep the line moving.

GEORGE: All right. So, you hold out your money, speak your soup in a loud,

clear voice, step to the left and receive.

JERRY: Right. It's very important not to embellish on your order. No

extraneous comments. No questions. No compliments.

ELAINE: Oh, boy, I'm really scared!

JERRY: Elaine.

See Leo


Character on Seinfeld, based on real life New York chef who has very strict ordering procedure, but makes great soup.

"Make sure you don't annoy the Soup Nazi, or therre'll be no soup for you!"


a take-out soup restaurant that serves many varieties of soup, but only soup 2) a temperamental foreigner who owns a soup restaurant, and either refuses to serve a customer or throws him/her out of the restaurant for the slightest little annoyance

You are a soup nazi if in your words of wisdom you ever come across saying "No Soup for You"!

See Jason


An employee who will not allow access to a task until it is perfect (usually computer related).

That jerk Bill putting us behind on the project he won’t let me have the program till he tweaked half to death.

Rodger won’t release the power supply because it’s 3% out of spec, guys a damm Soup Nazi


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