
What is Sousa?


A adj,noun,verb.

1.) A person who doesnt agree with anyone. This person is always right and tends to get into heated arguments often at social gatherings, thus looking extermely vulnerable to the rest of the people.

2.) A way of doing something with little or poor effort.

1.) "Dude i was at some party talking about football and this sousa started talking to me like he knew everything. ' so i beat his ass in front of everyone....what a sousa

2.) I really sousad that tee shot off 18. Screwed up my whole round, and i ended up with an engle.

See dumbass, know it all, fight, engle


A family name, most commonly related to John Phillip Sousa, the musician and conductor that wrote the Star Bangled Banner.

Adrian Sousa takes after his ancestor when it comes to his musical, and artistic creativity.

See star spangled banner, sousa, sousaphone, conductor, star, banner


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