South Brunswick

What is South Brunswick?


Town in Central New Jersey that breeds 20-somethings who can't wait to move away and can't even think of raising their kids here. The only people that flock here for some ungodly reason are Indians (from India... not from the reservations). They take over the schools and cause actual SB kids to go to college and wonder where have all the Indians gone?

South Brunswick is made up of little towns called Dayton, Monmouth Junction, Little Rocky Hill, Kendall Park, and Kingston. Each of these bring no more to the table than the next.

Princeton is just a place you go to in high school and never to college.

Close to Rutgers - everyone says they won't go there but statistically, 25% of the graduating classes of 500 will end up at RU New Brunswick.

Bob: Where are you from? Joe: South Brunswick? Bob: Oh near Rutgers? Joe: Um, yeah... I guess that's the best way to describe it...

See sb, vikings, indians, south, brunswick


commonly referred to as "mouth" brunswick because everyone is so far up eachothers' asses and know everything about everyone else. Mind you- graduating classes of about 500, where you know shit about just about everyone, except for the Indians, which more often then not, are in their own cliques. A town where rich/middle class suburbia meets the nastiness of the trailer park and the black girls are nasty in the hallways. When asked where south brunswick is- a common answer would be, by Rutgers, and although you say you would never go there, chances are you will because you got rejected from TCNJ. Everyone who lives in SB can't wait til grad day to get the fuck out. The cops are also notorious for catching people hotboxing their cars, which really sucks. People also tend to start drinking, smoking and having sex quite early as well- o well, we are all fucked up. Even though we all hate SB, we become obsessed with it once we leave. This is a town full of elite douchebaggery, and most people end up missing it.

Kristin: I need to drop something off at South Brunswick high school but the only thing I found was a building that looked like a hospital

Lauren: Oh no, that IS the high school, and watch out, although it is so big, some black girl will bump into you and expect YOU to say sorry. Just giving the heads up.

See sb, sbhs, vikings


Where black people push in hallways and don't say excuse me

You idiot, are you from south brunswick?

See south, brunswick, new jersey, negro


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