What is South Salem High School?


A high school located in south Salem, Oregon. Has a horrific football team, mostly comprised of homosexuals. The members of the leadership team are mentally handicapped and are led by Mrs. August, who blatantly plays favorites. Not the school completely sucks, there are some great science teachers here and the head history teacher looks like Vladimir Lenin.

Thank God I'm graduating from South Salem High School

See lenin, suck, salem, oregon, science


A high school located in Southern, Salem, Oregon. Nestled in the heart of the willamette valley. Mostly comprised of anglo, middle class students. It's in the Valley Leauge sports conference, and has a rich tradition of athletics, music, and academics. Despite a few Administrative failures, South now has an excellent principal. Mr. Phelps. And what Mr. Baumann is refering to is the social lines that reflect the south student body. The athletic, leadership bunch, and the IB academia bunch. The School is lined with social differences, but everyone mostly likes each other.

South Salem High School

"Sam you've skipped leadership for 3 straight days now, you're awesome!" -August

"Will, did you finish your 200 page biography of Mao?""I forgot","Well F for you then"- Chamberlain.

See oregon, school, southside, leadership


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