
What is Southbill?


When a person, either real or fictional, turns their baseball cap through 180 degrees so that the peak faces backwards to physically represent that they have switched into "go-time" mode.

I didn't think that nigga was serious til he southbilled that motherfucker.

See southbill, caps, go-time, ash ketchum


To turn the hat 180 degrees to indicate that it is go-time or that shit is about to go down.

"You could tell that nigga was serious when he southbilled his hat."

"Southbill your hat, it's go time."

See south, bill, go-time, power


When a person, either real or fictional, turns their baseball cap through 180 degrees so that the peak faces backwards to physically represent that they have switched into "go-time" mode.

I didn't think that nigga was serious till he southbilled that motherfucker.

See cap, 180 degrees, go-time, nigga, serious business


Term that refers to when a person, either real or fictional, turns their baseball cap through 180 degrees so that the peak faces backwards to physically represent that they have switched into "go-time" mode.

i.e Ash Ketchum from Pokemon

I didn't think that nigga was serious til he southbilled that motherfucker

See verb, south, billed, cap, hat


Verb: to turn one's baseball cap 180 degrees, so that the bill is in the back, thereby showing how serious one is about whatever they are about to do.

"I thought that nigga was bluffin' till he southbilled on me. Nigga pulls a southbill, you KNOW shit be goin' down."

~The Dutchess of York

See go-time, hat trick, ballin


The act of turning the hat upon one's head 180 degrees so that the bill faces backwards.

You can tell when Jimmy is being serious when he southbills.

See hat, moot, mudkip


When a person, either real or fictional, turns their baseball cap through 180 degrees so that the peak faces backwards to physically represent that they have switched into "go-time" mode.

I knew some shit was about to go down when Ash southbilled his hat

See ashed, swunk


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