
What is Southbilled?


When a person, either real or fictional, turns their baseball cap through 180 degrees so that the peak faces backwards to physically represent that they have switched into " go-time" mode.

I didn't think that nigga was serious til he southbilled that motherfucker.

See ass kicking, go time, southbill


When a person, either real or fictional, turns their baseball cap through 180 degrees so that the peak faces backwards to physically represent that they have switched into "go-time" mode.

In episode 243 of Pokémon, Ash ketchum is challenged to a battle by long time rival Gary Oak. In acceptance of the challenge, Ash "Southbilled" by rotating his baseball cap 180 degrees suggesting that it was "go-time."

See southbilled, go-time, pokemon, ash ketchum


To be on the receiving end of a shouthbilling.

If you get southbilled, you have been in some way mastered and/or dominated by a person or persons who recently performed the southbill manoeuvre.

Shit, homes. You just got southbilled hard by those motherfuckers.

We better get out of here! Than nigga just pulled a southbill - we're gonna get southbilled!

See southbill, go-time, pwned, cap


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