
What is Southbridge?


A town of destruction, chaos, and cheap hookers. 99.89 of the population is Puerto Rican. It is said that 90 percent of white catholic Americans were beaten up at one point in their lives. In Southbridge you can find many bright people, such as those who live at a handicap house, oh man these guys are fun. The Public school students are insanely smart, whether it be remembering to bring drugs and alcohol to all "homies" or coming up with new retarded insults to call guys who go to Trinity Catholic Academy.

Lots of wiggers live in this beautiful town. One shining example are those at the top national school of Mary E. Wells Junior high school. The morals these people have are outstanding and upholding.

whether being insulted, raped, verbally abused, or just plain getting the fuck beaten out of you, Southbridge is the place for you!

Southbridge Wigger: Hey fucking bitch, what the fuck you looking at you fucking slut. I'll fuck you up in the mouth, smack the shit out of you, you hoe. Fuck off bitch, before i pop you in the fucking face.

Southbridge Citizen: what the fuck...

See puerto ricans, hookers, drugs


A small town in South-central MASS. Known for the American Optical (AO) and United Lens. Has wonderful people and is always in Compitition with Sturbridge (the town over). The kids are tough and hard working. For more information visit infosouthbridge

Southbridge is a nice place to be.

See town, south, bridge, cool, quiet


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