Southern Beat-down

What is Southern Beat-down?


Its when you put a Confederate flag on your chest, then put on country music (Sweet Home Alabama works great!) Then, you quickly beat up the closest person near you.

My head still hurts from when Phil gave me that Southern Beat-Down!

See confederacy, ouch, beat-down, burgess


Its when you put a Confederate flag on your chest, then put on country music (Sweet Home Alabama works great!) Then, you quickly beat up the closest person near you.

My head still hurts from when Phil gave me that Southern Beat-Down!

See confederacy, ouch, beat-down, burgess


Ok, its when you wear a Confederate flag on your chest, and you quickly put on country music (Sweet Home Alabama works great!) And then you quickly beat up the closest person near you.

My head still fucking hurts from when Phil beat my ass when he put that Confederate flag on his chest and then put on Sweet Home Alabama! He gives one mean Southern Beat-Down!

See south, confederacy, beat-up, fight, ouch


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