
What is Southerner?


Just so you know not everyone in the south is a racist. I live in the south and always have, but have friends of every race. I'm also not ignorant or dumb in any way. Northerners can't blame us for a dumb president being elected because last time I checked the whole country votes for president, and I don't support him in any of his decisions. Everyone from the north just assumes they know what it is to be a southerner, obviously because you have met us all. I will not lie and say that there are not ignorant people in the south, but everyone up north is not a genesis. I'm not trying to be rude to any one who is from the north, even though some of you deserve it from your comments. I have friends who are from the north some that I even consider to be very close friends. I just didn't realize so many northerners were so judgmental. Don't make generalizations of people that you have never met. Stop worrying about peoples lives in the south, and take a look at your own. You can't hate us all just because you hate where we come from. I'm proud of where I come from. We love it in the south so stop hating.

By the way the majority of us can have an intelligent conversation. Just most times we prefer our southern slang. We do have country accents, but that is just part of our culture. Just so you know not everyone in the south enjoys country music like you all think. I actually prefer hip-hop and R&B. Most of us do have a lot of hospitality, but there are also many who don't.

Most southerners are very intelligent.

We are not all rednecks.

Southern = me

See caring, open minded


1) A general term for a person that lives in the South.

2) A person that lives in the South. Most of them are friendly, good-humored, and overall: AWESOME! Southerners, being a general term, know the difference between a good ol' boy,a redneck, a hillbilly, and po' white trash. YES, PEOPLE! THERE ARE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THEM!

Southerners are AWESOME!


An individual who lives in the southern United States. Nasal-voiced northerners insist that all southerners are inbred, ignorant hicks, but in truth it's the northerners (see Yankees) who are the ignorant ones.

A true southerner is moralistic, kind, practices southern hospitality, has an actual sense of humor, and sees more to life than rushing around in a city all day. Come on people, sit back and drink some lemonade or something.

Northerner: Whoa, since when do all southerns not live in trailer parks?

Southerner: Since forever.


A southerner is a term usually used to describe people who live in the southern united states. Just because you live there doesn't neccesarily mean you are racist or raised with strong moral values. I was born in Toronto and moved to Kentucky a few years ago. I believe it's a nice place to live and only a few people are actually <racist>. Just because you live in the south doesn't mean you drink beer all the time (baptists are STRONGLY against it) or hang a confederite flag. I have friends who went to UK and ended up going to Princeton,Cambridge,and Harvard. I'm tired of people judging me on where I live or where I'm from. Would you judge a Nigerian and call them a uneducated slave because they lived in Nigeria? I don't think so..

Northerner-Do you know how to read?

Southerner-I got an english scolarship from Yale

Notherner-Right on

Southerner-where did you go for university?

Northerner-Oh, I'm taking a break from school right now.

Southerner-But your 45!


In my opinion, the south is a nice place to live. I actually do have an education, I don't practice incest, I don't have an 'atrocious' accent, in fact none of my words sound at all like they have any accent to them at all (I know, this is amazing, as I'm a stupid southerner right?), I'm not prejudiced, and I'm not retarded as most would like to say I am. I do disregard most of the prejudiced comments made by northerners. I don't even say y'all. I mean, if you want to talk about people that are described by the examples I have just mentioned, call them rednecks. There is a difference between these two classes of people. Rednecks do have an atrocious accent and are sometimes prejudiced (not always). If you're going to put comments such as have been posted before about southerners, re-title them "redneck" "white trash" or something else. I know that most of the northerners call us stupid and generalize all of us into one group. That is just not the case. I'm sorry, it really isn't. You all call us prejudiced, yet look at your own comments. I'm tolerant of all races. I even have friends from New York who I constantly have to hear putting down the south. But I tolerate it, and I move on. Wow, aren't I such a southerner, what with my horrible grammar and lack of an education. I also don't think the south will rise again. I prefer our nation united, as there are good contributions from every part of the country. At least I'm not insulting northerners. ;]

Northerner: I'm going to post something on the internet about southerners! This will be completely based on opinion and backed up by absolutely no facts at all!

Southerner: Hmm, this description of southerners is definitely a bit misled.

See great, place, to, live, i, don't, think, the, south, will, rise, again, stop, us, please, thank, you, have, a, nice, day


One who identifies with Southern culture and/or customs

John Whelchel is a southerner

See southerner, south, lamp, fried chicken, green tea


"Southerner" is a term used by misguided "northerners" to summarize anyone living in the southeast territories of the United States in states such as Virginia, Alabama, or Georgia.

Most of those who would use the word southerner would think that anyone living south of Maryland is inbred, retarded, and racist. For the most part, this is completely and utterly *untrue*. Racism is an uncommon thing in most areas, the majority of peoples living in the south having left behind that narrow minded view. As for southerners being inbred, one would have to believe that incestual acts simply halt at the state boarders between the north and south. While "inbreeding" within the human populus does happen, it is widespread and not centralized in the south.

While the ratio of high school graduates to drop-outs is marginally lower in the south compared to the north, there is a larger number of college graduates. This may be contributed to the fact that there are more job opportunities in the northern states and a slightly larger population. Overall, a southerner is the same as any other citizen of this grand country. To think that anyone of the same nationality as your own is lesser than you simply because they live in a different area is indeed incompetent and most definitely retarded.

By-the-by, I live in the south and I'm proud of it. So if any of you reading this want to call me a hick, go ahead. I don't care. Just remember that the Man Upstairs is watching and listening to all that you say and do.

Samuel: "Damn that guy's stupid. He must be a southerner."

Bill: "Nope, he's from New York."

See southerner, hick, southern, red-neck, hill-billy


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