
What is Sovereign?


A word The president Bush Doesn't know.

One that exercises supreme, permanent authority, especially in a nation or other governmental unit

A king, queen, or other noble person who serves as chief of state; a ruler or monarch.

A national governing council or committee.


LADY SOV self proclaimed midget, hus tunes r bangin!

yo bredrin u hear dat new sound from lady sov?


Blinging rings

Used to be worn by scrap merchants, now they are the latest fashion for chavs.

Argos will not let a chav down on a sovereign ring.

If chavs are lucky they will buy/steal a sovereign ring with a pound engraved on it!

a chav greeting is usually accompanied with a slack flick of the fingers. this garantees that no sovereign will go unnoticed

See bling, chavs, lady sovereign, rings, pound


a particularly nasty butt fuck. one that turns sour half way thru due to sloppy discharge.

'Immediate logout of Sovereign requested!!!

In order to resolve current issues with errors in Sovereign, we ask that all users log out of Sovereign and remain out until further notice.

We will send further notification once it is safe to log back in.'


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