Soviet Doorstop

What is Soviet Doorstop?


1. When your saluting sergent gets slammed into a door.

2. The act of injuring someone with something on hinges. Ex: Slamming a door into someone, smashing someone's face with a trash-can lid on hinges, etc.


Guy: I woke up hungover and fucking got Soviet Doorstopped by my garage door.


Guy #1: That prude bitch wouldn't give me head.

Guy #2: Oh that sucks ass, dude.

Guy #1: Then she fucking told me to shut off Zeppelin and drive her home!

Guy #2: Hah, what did you do?

Guy #1: I left Led Zeppelin on, and when I dropped her off at her house, I gave her a swift Soviet Doorstop with my car door.


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