Soviet Russia

What is Soviet Russia?


In Soviet Russia, definition adds you!


A place where the opposite of the norm happens. As shown in the example, instead you driving the car...

In Soviet Russia, car drives you!


An internet fad/meme that essentially boils down to a reversal of the norm. As can be seen in the example below, while anywhere else You would tell a bad joke...

In Soviet Russia, bad jokes tells YOU.

See soviet, russia, internet fad, meme


A magical place where things happen in quite the opposite from the good ol' USA, and where men in furry hats follow you but disappear when you look back.

In America, you can always find a party, but in Soviet Russia, the Party finds you!

In Soviet Russia, cold catches you!

See communist, kalashnikov, afghanistan, stalin


A place. It used to be commie.

In Soviet Russia, Kenny kills you!

See soviet, russia, commie, communist


Commonly known as the USSR, it was a communistic country until 1991. Know, it's know for being the main joke that's the opposite of the united states.

Soviet Russia was the reds before the Chinese.

In Soviet Russia slangdefine add you!

See soviet, russia, communist, commies, reds, jokes


lame fad on message boards...


In Soviet Russia, topics make you!


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