
What is Sox?


The World's Greatest Baseball team...White Sox.

The 2005 White Sox were the Greatest team to ever grace the surface of land!

See socks, stockings, hose


how retards spell "socks"

damnit, it's not sox, its socks. saying sox isn't cool, it's stupid. get over it and stop acting like you're 7 years old!

See socks, red sox, stupid, dumb, kid


the retartededest team in the world they dont even know how to spell socks

sox suck really bad cuz their socks!!!!!!

See sox, suck, really, bad


(noun) - the world's greatest baseball team, when colored red.

The Red Sox won a world series, and they didn't even have a higher payroll than the Yankees. Go figure.


a straight version of Ox

have you seen how much sox looks like ox

See deuce deuce


a nerdy counter-strike player who thought he was good at the game but when he realized he sucked he shot himself. forever improving this game.

This guy just pulled a sox, look hes 0-15


The same thing white people wear on thier feet, but us gangstas wear sox

DAAMMM, look! Lauren and Justin have some fly sox on!


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