Soy Beaner

What is Soy Beaner?


A South-Asian person in relation to their position in Asia versus Mexico in North America, as well as their dark skin. The term 'Soy Beaner' because just like regular beaners eat alot of beans, soy beaners eat alot of soy beans.

Kurt: "That kid Archit in our chemistry class is from Nepal, He's such a soy beaner."

See soy, beaner, asian, indian, mexican, stupid


A person from a south Asian country, such as Nepal or India called as such because like regular beaners they are brown in skin tone. They are the Asian equivalent however, sparking the name "Soy Beaner"

That kid Archit from Nepal in our Chem. class is such a soy beaner.

See beaner, soy, asian, mexican, indian, south, asia


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