Soy Sauce

What is Soy Sauce?


nickname for a guy thats real name is sovisal

yo there goes that baller Soy Sauce

See sauce


usually used by dorks who want to be cool.

its a word used like "dude" or "brotha"

most ppl who say it also say "fo-shizzle" and "GANGSTA" is the whitest way possible!

it is also what some ppl call asian ppl, but mostly it is just another word for "dude"

it also can be used like "sex: or "bomb" otherwise known as awesome.

soy sauce, wheres my car?

what's up SOY SAUCE

that was totally SOY SAUCE fo-shizzle!

yo gangsta that was soy sauce!

See soy, sauce, brotha, dork, white


1. An asian's semen

2. Slang term - (Asian "skeet skeet")

1.When Tina grabbed the egg roll she didn't expect soy sauce to come out.

2. While watching exotic asians make out, Wei Lang soy soy sauced all over his screen.

See soy sauce, soy, soysauce, asian, semen


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