Soy Un Perdedor

What is Soy Un Perdedor?


Literally meaning "I'm a loser."

I think it is Spanish.

"Soy un perdedor, I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me?"

-Beck, loser


yeah, it does mean: "i'm a loser" in español (an unusual language spoken by millions of people in dozens of countries!)

yo soy un perdedor porque no se distinguir una frase que obviamente està escrita en español ( I'm a loser 'cause I can`t understand a sentence that is actually written in spanish)

See estupido, tarado, tonto


The phrase "Soy un perdedor" literally means "I am a loser" in Portuguese, nothing more or less.

"Soy un perdedor - I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me?" - lyrics taken from Beck's song 'Loser'.

See soy, perdedor, loser, beck, portuguese, Stuart Hall


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