
What is Soz?


Slang for "sorry".

"Soz dude, I fucked up"

"OMG, soz, I 0wned your box."

"Soz for teh mess I made making dinner..."


Nonsensical internet slang term for "sorry", used by illiterate morons who for some reason substitute a “z” for “rry”, the latter of which would take an entire quarter of a second to type out.

"OMG, soz about that."

"Shut the fuck up."

See sorry, slang, moron, dipshit, internet


Net Abbreviation for "Sorry".

Soz, was dc!

See Bruce Lee


Another word for Sorry

bill: im Soz

ben: Tis okies

See tis, okies, gfr, j


to be sorry for what you have done. it means the same as sorry. soz. same thing.

sorry! soz. i am sorry for doing that. i am soz for doing that

See sorry, soz, sozzard, sry


British slang for "sorry"

Soz darling, I can't make it this weekend.

See sorry, british, slang, regrets, soze


Slang word employed with another word to draw attention to a particular characteristic of someone of something, but referring to the characteristic indirectly.

The word that suffixes "soz" can even be extended to an entire phrase. The longer and more obscure the suffix the better.

First employed by the students of form 12F1 of Queen Elizabeth's High School, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, UK in 2002.

There are endless variations.

Referring to The Patriot Act:

"Soz draconian"

Referring to detailed advice given in answer to the question "What should I do about my girlfriend man, things are getting really complicated":

"Soz technical"

See sorry, no, known


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