
What is Spamming?


posting useless crap on forums over and over


See spammer


A refined art created by today's youth. Spammers do not follow rules, they don't obey the Adminstraitors or Moderators or unfair rules. They fight for freedom and against oppression of noobs or newbs. They spread humor and break up fights. They do not suck up to the powers that be. They are here to change the way we post. They do not fear the higher ups, they wish only to have fun. This a true spammer. Too many of today's forum users fear the "Ban or Deletion button". They suck up to the heads in order to gain power themselves. They yell at people who do not read the rules in an oppresive manner. This isn't fair, a forum should be warm and welcome. Spammers, true spammers fight for this. They outwit the heads, the push away the oppressors and work for a better forum community.

These kinds of spammers are not the loser kind of spammers that do not use coherance or haze or flame. They are failures in the art of spam.

A post count is a spammer's best friend and a moderator is thier enemy, this is true for all kinds of spammers, bad and good, this may seem contradictory but that is way the game is played it doesnt have to make sense. Off topic and Random threads are our friends as well.

A rep as a spammer is good to have. A spammer does not get stopped by the man, he/she doesn't give up. If some one yells at you for being a spammer, embrace this and love it. People know you now, and you have a mission. Good luck! XD

Bad Situation

Newbie- HI! um, im new, i dont do this kind of stuff alot, can someone tell me where to post and stuff.

Jackass forum veteran- GOD DAMMIT! Stop this spamming! This is the wrong section you idiot noob! READ THE RULES OR GTFO! Mod delete this!

*follow ups of similar post trying to suck up to the powers that be

Newbie- ....*leaves forum and never comes back

Good Situation

Newbie- omfg hi! im a noob i know ;), whats up, i like anime, whats yer favorite!

Jerkoff veteran poster- READ THE RULES! This is spam, mod please come delete this!

*coutination of similar post sucking up to powers that be in hope some day they will have the power and be even bigger jackasses

Spammer vet- Hey! guys stfu, he's new, of course he didnt read the rules, no one does ever, god its people like you that chase people away, and then you bitch about how empty this forum is. Ok newbie, dont worry bout these guys, im here to help you out. Forget those rules, long list of nonsense i say, you'll figure things out pretty easily, im here to help you mkay

*New member recruited caue of kindness, he can either become a good kind poster, a spammer elite, a spammer nub or a jack ass XD

See spam, spammer, spamming, forum, posting


What I have just done.


when you just type random letters in a chat room or IM. In some public chats, it can result in getting banned for a short amount of time. Also THE EASIEST think to say when you don't want to say, but REALLY ANNOYING when the other person just wants to be serious FOR ONCE

"She just kept spamming me in the Gmail chat. I just wanted to have a normal conversation."

See spam, chat, im, annoy, bitch, serious, easy


someone being a dumbass on a forum and posting useless crap of no relevance or amusement.

"is the time before time."

"I swear guys, I'm not a trool, and I wasn't spamming"

See spam, spammer, forum, internet, email, Garett


When you use multiples of a character in chat, multiple punctuation etc. Repeating the entire lyrics of a song or flooding chat with random characters.

Often times spamming leads to trolling and flaming.

1337 speak is often times comsidered spamming, but is in reality just plain dumb.

Spamming is: Can I have some meat plz????????????????????????

See begz0r, flaming, trolling, 1337 speak, 1337


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