What is Spam-suckin'-trailer-trash?


These people falsley are accused of only being from the South, but in fact they have spread to all parts of the country.

They can be found in California, but can also be referred to as 909'ers (reference to the area code).

These people can have a Bar-B-Que and serve SPAM fresh off the que.

They also quite often live in mobile home parks, but may also just periodically LIVE out of an RV trailer (when a job is lost or if the restraining order requires they move).

Me: Are you going to Zek's Bar-B-Que at the double-wide? I heard the restraining order expired and he is celebrating getting back together with the EX.

You: Yeah, but this time I hope he doesn't burn the SPAM. It left black chunks in the tater salad. It was a total Spam-Suckin'-Trailer-Trash mistake!

See white trash, social elite, hicks


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