
What is Spankette?


a. A flirtatious female who teases as if enticing someone to dare spank her.

b. A female (usually one who enjoys being spanked) whose buttocks are smaller, tighter, firmer than an average adult-shaped bottom.

c. A girl, or boy (probably gay), who likes being spanked, and either acts like, or whose slim shape resembles that of a young girl.

a. That girl's nothin' but a spankette - look at how she's behaving, what a naughty tease - somone should take her over their knee... and man, am I tempted.

b. Sure, she's kinda on the skinny side, but she's a pure spankette - man, what a cute, naughty little butt.

c. That little spankette's about to get a well deserved you-know-what.

See spank, spankee, tease, nymphette, naughty


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