Spare Tire

What is Spare Tire?


The huge roll of fat that often times drapes off of a woman's frame because she is so fucking fat and/or drinks to much beer/eats too much pizza, tacos, enchiladas, pasta, or cake. It can be best seen on college girls wearing tight shirts which they intend on showing off their "hot bod," but actually end up showing some nasty flab going about the entire circumfrence of their mid section, or at this point more like mid country they can be so large .....

"Whenever Kara sits in a bathing suit she covers her stomach because she doesnt want guys to see that she actually has a humongous spare tire."

See jelly roll


In hold'em poker, a starting hand of Jack/Four. As in, "What's a Jack for?"

I had the spare tire hand in the big blind and was pleased when the flopcame out A 4 4.

See poker, gambling, casino


a bulge of fat around the waist

I've gottaget rid of this spare tire.

See fashion, love handle, muffin top, sparetire


The "ring" of fat wrapping around the mid-section, caused by lack of self-respect and being abused as a child. -used to roll oneself down hills when tired.

Hey you there, I just got a flat, can I borrow that spare tire on your waist?

See fatass, lovehandles, lard, blacks


The exsessice flab around a male waist

"mine's bigger" "what" my spare tire


The fifth person on a double date. Similar to the third wheel.

John was a spare tire on our date last night. It got especially awkward when he started taking pictures of us.

See dating, third wheel, double date, fill in


blunt roach or joint roach

shit man i smoked most my weed all i have left is this spare tire...wanna change it? hellz yea hippy

See roach, weed, tires, blunt roach


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