
What is Sparked?


1. to knock someone out

2. to be in an ineriated state off drugs or/and alcohol

1. "The poor boy got sparked by the bouncer"

2. "He's had too much to drink, he's sparked"

See Mr T


under the influence of crystal methamphetamine

high on crystal meth

Tweekers get sparked

If you get sparked you are a tweeker

See tweeking, spun, glass, tweek, shit, crystal, meth


The alcoholic state when you're not quite buzzed but on your way.

1) I'm not quite buzzed yet, i'm sparked.

See alcohol, buzzed, sober, state, spark


When a fireman responds to the scene of a fire instead of first driving to his apparatus and responding with that vehicle.

The fire was half a block from my house, so I just sparked it there and helped the old lady get her children out of the first floor bedroom.

See spark, fireman, fire, rescue


An excuse for breaking up with a girl you are tired of seeing, where you tell her that there just isn't that chemistry (spark) between the two of you.

Guy 1: "So how are things going with that girl you have been dating for a couple of months?"

Guy 2: "Oh I am done with her, I sparked her a couple of days ago....."

See break up, dump, divorce, relationship


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