
What is Sparky?


Electrical engineer.

I get electrocuted because that bloody sparky got the wires crossed.

See Smeg


Mascot of Arizona State University.

Fork 'em Sparky!

Sparky is a Sun Devil.

See arizona, tempe, phoenix, asu


A term of endearment towards a guy.

Usually an extremely hot sexy mexy who makes a great boyfriend.

Known to go to church on sundays and have a good conscience, Sparky is a very good person.

The type of guy who you just look at and think "God, he's beautiful."

A deep and sensitive person. Makes for great conversation.


Also known to have very traditional taste in things---vanilla icecream and cake,

old fashioned, classy style of clothing, white girls, and old music and movies.

"I hear Sparky is dating someone!! I'm so depressed...."

"Me too! She's so lucky..."

See anthony, ramirez, nickname, love, cute, hot


Slang for a hot mexican.

aside from just being hot, sparkies also usually have great personalities. The romantic type

Sparky gets all the ladies

See mexican, brown, sexy, cute, awesome


nickname for the pairing(ship) John Sheppard/Elizabeth Weir in Stargate Atlantis.

suppously named after the sparks between them

'i wrote a sparky fic'

'i made a sparky icon'

'this episode was full of sparky moments'

See sga, ship


An electrician who works in his trade for a living. This includes Sparkies such as:

1. Systems Electricians

2. Industrial Electricians

3. DomesticResidential Electricians

4. Commercial Electricians

And to a lesser degree:

1. Liners

2. TelecommunicationsCat5eRJ45Cable Splicers

Explicitly *not* an Electrcial Engineer or Draftsman for they do not use tools or come out to your house in the middle of the night to replace your broken shit)

The Sparky will be here tomorrow to fix that damned switchboard.

The Sparky ripped me off .... again!

I didn't allow enough in my original plans to pay the Sparky, so I'm not going to ... I'll see the bastard in court instead, I'm not giving him a dime! <maniacal laughter>

See sparky, sparkie, sparker, sparks, electrician, tradie, mad cunt


1. A mildly derogative nickname for one who states the obvious.

2. The name of a Pikachu owned by Ritchie in the Pokemon series. It is different than other Pikachus because it has a distinct tuft of fur on its head.

"Nice deduction, Sparky."

"Go, Sparky!"

See captain obvious, pikachu, ritchie, pokemon, fool


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