
What is Sparrow?


1. The pubic area of a virgin or young girl. 2. The peach fuzzy mound on girls.

That's a cute little sparrow you got there!


a songbird of the family Passeridae or of the family Emberizidae

There are so many sparrow species.


adj. being able to dance with style and an edge but not lose strength and power; ability to dance fiercly and manly at the same time, usually to music by or like Sam Sparrow.

Girl #1 "Anthony and Ronnie were really sparrow in that jazz combo yesterday."

Girl #2 "Yeah. They had style and attack but still danced like guys."

See fierce, sassy, awesome, cool, anthony, ronnie


1. The state of being freaky, odd, weird, moronic, strange, but ultimately laughably cool.

2. Having the characteristics of Captain Jack Sparrow.

I cut myself shaving a monkey. How totally sparrow is that?

See weird, strange, clumsy, drunk, freaky, moronic, cool


related to the lesser spotted dangerous dave, and also the man williamson, the sparrows calling signs include "ya deeeekhead".

hargo-i have forgot my pen can i borrow yours

sparrow-ya deeeekhead


n. Known to molest little boys at parties, especially Steve. lives in a 1-room shanty, lost his virginity to his dog.

v. to rape a little boy

n. Oh my god! Sparrow not again!

v. oh god, sparrow's pulling a sparrow again!

See Ian


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