
What is Spart?


The act in which a man flatulates warm semen after pleasurable anal sex with another male. This act of flatulation causes a projectile white liquid to shoot out from the anal cavity.

Tim sparted in his boyfriend's face. His boyfriend, Pat, neglected to wash his face that night. The next morning, Pat's face had what appeared to be a very horrible rash with pulsating boils. Pat is no longer living.

See fart, anal, gay, sperm, semen


The gassy-fluid discharge which explodes from an insemenated anus.

My ole' lady sparted all over herself after I donkey-balled her ass last night.


Short for "Spartacist" - a cult of Kim Il-Sung appologists that claim to be the only legitimate heirs to Leon Trotsky, and the vanguard of world revolution, forth-internationalist-stylee.

Sparts have a slightly discomforting obsession with abolishing "fascist" age-of-consent laws, and are occasionally shunned as some sort of Marxist-NAMBLA.

Silly Spart, I don't want a subscription to yr theoretical journal.


'when a spam email is so funny that it borders on an art form...'

"don't let people call you a prick..." (spam I received tonight)where Spam meets art/comic genius... Spart

See spart, art, spam, internet, email


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