Sparta Kick

What is Sparta Kick?


1. The act of kicking someone in the chest after they incorrectly identify something with an "a" at the end.

2. Kicking someone in the chest.

Both derived from the famed scene in 300


Person A: Aww, I see you're playing a xylophone.



Dude did you see that UFC fight? That guy just totally got sparta kicked.

See 300, kick, sparta


A kick that is delivered while the kicker yells "This is Sparta" at the kickee, whom then proceeds to fall into a hole or off of some sort of ledge.

Bob: Hey John.

John: What?

Bob: This is Sparta!!


Bob: Thats my fifth Sparta Kick today.

See 300, sparta, this is sparta, kick


To yell "THIS IS SPARTA!" and subsequently kick someone into a huge well.

Leonidas: Madness? THIS IS SPARTA!!! *performs a sparta kick on Xerxes*

See madness, this, is, sparta, kick


To kick the living hell out of someones chest with the flat of the bottom of your foot.

"that midget wouldnt shut the fuck up so i sparta kicked it."

See sparta, kick, beat down, midget


To sparta kick is to like drop kick someone, or you can like kick really hard into their butt or back. When you kick you yell out "FOR SPARTA". It came from the movie "300" when King Leonidas kicked the messager guy into the hole. For about a day it was known as "Yar Kick" to add epicness.

Denay: *putting stuff away in locker talking la la la la*

Andee: *lifts up leg and yells out*For Sparta! *kicks Denay*

Denay: &%$%^$*&(*^


Anna: oh my gawd i am going to sparta kick denay after lunch she got my ass like 5 times today

Angel: hahahah okay what ever anna

See sparta, 300, kick


A type of kick based off the movie 300. when someone comes up from you behind and kicks you in the ass hard, screaming




generally painful, but fun to do.

girl- man james just sparta kicked me

boy- hows your ass?

See sparta, kick, sparta kick


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