
What is Spartacus?


A movie made in 1960 directed by Stanley Kubrick. The plot entails a slave army led by an ex-gladiator (Spartacus) that threatens the sovereignty of Rome. Sadly, they don't defeat the Roman armies.

Famous line: I'm Spartacus!

See rome, movie, gladiator, slavery, kubrick


When you squat over a girls face, drop your balls on her forehead, lay your dick down along her nose, and have her yell "I AM SPARTACUS!"

"Tina finally let me Spartacus her last night. We woke up the dog."

See spartacus, sex move, position, dickslap


The best guy on F2and Flecko, in his own not so humble opinion. A moderator, he is also known as Lothar, whose Strength is a Legend, and his Skill Conquers All... he has also been known to say, "Carpe Mammarium", which means 'Seize the Breasts' in Latin.

Spartacus is triplefold bitchin'.

See Spartacus


A person you think is homosexual

Oh Spartacus, nice tight jeans you're wearing there.


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