Spartan Five

What is Spartan Five?


noun. a powerful and manly high five preceded by a run up and a lunge. Usually connects with a meaty 'clap'. Can be accompanied by a manly audio e.g. "HAROOOOOO!!!" or "This is SPARTAAAAA!!!"

Works especially well if accompanied by 'Just Like You Imagined' by Nine Inch Nails. Leather banana hammocks and toplessness are optional.

The term 'Spartan five' originates from the general manliness of the Zack Snyder film 300(although the film was quite possibly the most homo-erotic film since Brokeback Mountain...)

A: "This... is... SPARTAAA!!!"

*both guys run at each other and lunge into powerful high five which connects with a meaty clap*

B: "Awesome Spartan five...

Umm... I should probably go get this checked out. I think I may have broken something... In a manly way... HAROOOOO!!!"

See 300, spartan, high five, manly, powerful, man


n. a high five preceded by a run up and a lunge. Usually connects with a meaty 'crack'. Can be accompanied by a manly grunt e.g. "HAUUUURGH!!!" or a "This is SPARTAAAAA!!!"

Guy 1: "This... is... SPARTAAA!!!"

*both guys run at each other, pull back and lunge into high five*

*CRACK! of hands*

Guy 2: "Fuckin' awesome Spartan five... Umm... I should probably go to the A&E, I think I may have broke something, erm... In a manly way... HAUUUUURGH!!!"

See 300, spartan, high five, this is sparta


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