
What is Spastic?


Someone who walks with their head angled 30-45 degrees to the side, one of their arms in a crooked position, their feet turned inwards (like Kevin Spacey in The Usual Suspects), walking down a street, with the occasional noise (like that dude in Cube) "Errrrrahhhhhhhh".

Whenever Dave did something stupid, we'd do the spastic impression on him "Errrrrahhhhhhhh".

Us Brits are the masters of doing insulting impressions such as the spastic and wanker impression.


1) A retarded person not to be laughed at in a cruel and heartless manner.

2) A brave person.

3) An insulting name given to a mentally or physically handicapped person.

Person 1: I've just spilt gravy over my X-Box.

Person 2: Dude, you are such a spastic.

Person 1: That's out of order, don't say that.

Person 2: Sorry, I meant to say you are a 'Practicality challanged person'.


1. Relating to, of the same nature as, or characterized by involuntary muscular contractions, esp. the long-continued contractions known as tonic spasms.

2. A person afflicted by such spasms; a person suffering from cerebral palsy.

"Christine is very spastic."


also known as spazz or spaz, means to act like you have ADD (Attention Deficite Disorder) . Usually bouncing off the walls.

wtf you douche bag?! you're such a spazz!


a retarded or disabled person. probably born on the fourth of july.

what a spastic!


some crippled chavy!!!

some lazy fat git, who cant walk!!!


1. A person with cerebral palsy

2. A sexy, suave, witty Australian man

Do not corrupt the word "spastic", you American and British scumbags


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