
What is Spaz?


Spaz - From spastic, the disability.

Means a person that acts insane or mentally retarded

Dave ran around screaming with his tounge hanging out like a spaz

See Rob


Someone who is hyperactive, or overly energetic

She can never sit still, she is a bit of a spaz

See urban myth


An irrationally nervous or jumpy person.

Dude, that Tweek from South Park is such a spaz.


verb. to go insane, break, or otherwise act oddly.

to spaz, spazzing.

"ack! My computer is spazzing" -when your computer freaks out or crashes.

"My leg/arm/head/otherbodypart's spazzing" - which is when aforementioned body part twitches erratically.

"She's totally spazzing." - when somebody is going mad ^^


someone who thinks irrationally and is giving you a hard time, usually about someting insignificant, or someone who generally randomly overreacts.

Mom, quit being a royal spaz, it's not that big of a deal!

See Bob


freaking out, twitching, temporary loss of control of mind and body

oh my god quit spazzing!

i'm having a spaz attack


Someone who runs around saying random words or phrases, or doing random things.

Karen is such a spaz.

See ixi


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