
What is Spazmobile?


A mountain bike with a two stroke engine.

Did you see that guy on that mountain bike? He was doing thirty miles an hour peddling backwards,what a spazmobile!

See nerd, geekazoid


A derogatory name for the automobile driven by a youth who is too wild behind the wheel, over-steering, over-accelerating and over-braking aggressively. The car's destination is most likely dorkylocations such as electronic gaming stores, corporate fast food eateries and shopping malls. Yelling, twitchy, awkwardly moving high-on-life teens are predictably the passengers. The driver is often a teenager still living at home and driving a parent's car. In January 2007, the U.S. news media began reporting of incidents of increasing auto accidents involving spazmobiles, where teens were injured due to too many distractions in the vehicle.

"I've avoided quite a few collisions with a spazmobile. I can tell kids are on summer vacation."

See add, beater, dork, mall rat, nerd, spaz


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