
What is Spazmodite?


pronoun/addjective - One who periodically (spazmodically), reverts to Troglodytism. If you are wondering what a Troglodyte is: Pronunciation: ˈträ-glə-ˌdīt

Function: noun

Etymology: Latin troglodytae, plural, from Greek trōglodytai, from trōglē hole, cave (akin to Greek trōgein to gnaw, Armenian aracem I lead to pasture, graze) + dyein to enter

So basically a "caveman"

" You are a Dick, or Shmuck or just Plain Stooopid, only sometimes, and just temporarily " or alternatively you can say " You are a spazmodite "

See idiot, deniz, dickhead, genius, jackass, Erazer


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