
What is Spazmongo?


Hybrid of two great derogatory terms, spaz and mongo, to be used in an un-pc way

Spaz - From spastic, the disability. Means a person that acts insane or mentally retarded

Mongo - Adj. Lacking in physical and cerebal ability. General retardation.

For fuck sakes, your acting like a spazmongo

See spaz, mongo, retard, idiot, mong, spastic, twat, fool, stupid, spacker, mongoloid, ugly, tard, spack, moron, monged, ming, monging, minger, gay, muppet, weed, wanker, thong, loser, joey, fucktard, dumbass, disabled, chill, windowlicker, tosser, special, monger, gimp, fuck, flid, dumb, dick, cunt, window, licker, trek, slut, retarded, pussy, pillock, mongathon, mental, insult, fuckwit, fucker


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